New World players trying to get each other banned to win wars

Abuse of New World‘s reporting system has found players on the sidelines right before war events.
It’s one of the oldest tricks in the Internet book—mass report people and get them banned. This is not only commonplace in gaming, but also on social media. This strategy has also spilled over to New World, where players are getting each other banned just before wars start. This has left many companies unable to participate in wars. Wars are the focal point of New World, which has logged 700,000 concurrent players on launch day back on September 28, 2021.
Players have reported half of their company being banned. “We have to give up our hard fought territory because everyone can press report a couple times? This is crazy, we need a fix ASAP,” griped one player on Reddit. There were also complaints on the New World forums. “So my company has a war today and the company we are going to war against reported our top players so they would get a temporary 24 hour ban and not be able to participate in the war,” another player said.
New World moderators insist that each report is reviewed by an actual person. “I understand your frustration because you want to play and you still don’t get a response, you will soon receive an answer. With regard to the players who made the reports, our internal teams review every in-game report manually, no part of the process is automated or uses bots in any way. Right now I do not have the information or knowledge if any kind of sanction will be created for this type of behavior, when we have more information we will publish it,” said Camulos, a customer service representative for New World.
Meanwhile, you can join DVS Gaming on New World at, on US East-Ruach.