Success or Failure: What To Expect From The New Breaking Bad Movie

What’s in store for the latest from the Breaking Bad franchise?
Since the Breaking Bad franchise ended in 2013, there have been a number of dedicated fans re-watching the series time and time again watching their favorite episodes. But with the recent release of the Breaking Bad film El Camino, fans are ready to see the Aaron Paul reprise his role as Jesse with a brand-new storyline. In this article, we will be looking into whether this film was a success or a failure.
Breaking Bad: Beyond The Series
When the series ended, there was a large group of people left with a huge hole in their lives from a TV show that had been so impactful to so many and captivated audiences between the years of 2008 and 2013. But since the franchise ended, there have been a number of fan theories as well as new slots released every week, some of which were themed to tailor to fans of this iconic franchise.
The Story Arc Of Jesse Pinkman
El Camino is the name of the highly anticipated Breaking Bad film but despite the drama-filled finality to the series, this is not the thriller that many expected it to be. With the film following on from this, it is a chance of Jesse Pinkman to see some closure. As Aaron Paul reprises the iconic character, we are set to see the character immediately after his release from prison. The now-deceased Walter White was behind the rescue mission but died in the process of getting Pinkman released.
Since the release of the initial trailer, there has been much speculation as to who will be reprising their role within the film as a number of the main characters are now dead. The film itself is said to cut between the 48 hours following Pinkman’s release from prison, as well as the emotional turmoil that he is dealing with on a constant basis.
The Initial Reviews
For many who are fans of the franchise, this is the perfect film, it has all the cameos you could ever
want, alongside some of the most memorable characters in the franchise, but for those that are looking at the film from a cinematic perspective, they may be disappointed. The film appears to be more like three Breaking Bad episodes put together rather than a film making it seem oddly disjointed.
With this being said, it does not take away from the complex storyline and outstanding acting that is brought to the audience by everyone involved making for an enjoyable viewing experience.
The Name El Camino
Though this could be in reference to the car seen in one of the first scenes of the film, a 1975 Chevrolet El Camino, the words El Camino in Spanish for road or way. Though this is up for interpretation by audiences, this is meant to be much more than just a story of Jesse Pinkman but rather a road to freedom from his own demons. For many, the film showed a softer side to this character that many are not used to seeing.
With his own demons to overcome and a lot to learn about life itself, the audience is taken on a journey.
With the story arch of the slowly coming to an end, we see Jesse slowly evolve into an adult. Though some challenges he faces are similar to those in the hit TV show, there are many that are more moral and some that carry a large amount of emotion.
With no cinema releases of this film scheduled in the UK, the streaming giant Netflix has seen a large
amount of success with the film since its release on October 11, 2019. Many are watching to see where their beloved character has ended up since the finale of the series aired and they will not be disappointed. This Netflix film is certainly one made by the producers for the fans and is the perfect end to a franchise that is loved by so many. Why not watch it for yourself?