What the Dub?! lets you unleash your MST3K dubbing skills this April

Who doesn’t like bad movies?! There’s something about sitting around and mercilessly letting a bad movie have it, just to soak in all its cheesiness. Ask anyone that’s seen an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 or Rifftrax just how great this can be.
And now you’ll have a chance to do it in game with What the Dub?! A new game from Wide Right Interactive – the same studio that brought us Freedom Finger, it’s a party game where you get to make up the best dub lines, and then watch as people vote which ones are the funniest!
Up to 12 people can take part in the action, viewing over 300 public domain clips (sorry, no Star Wars here) and then overdubbing missing dialogue within them. From there, the players, along with six audience members, will be able to vote on their favorite dubs! Then it’s winner take all for bad movie night. You will need to provide your own popcorn, tho.
The action can be seen in the trailer below, and, yes, the dubbing is as bad as it gets. But hey, if you ever wanted to unleash your inner Joel or Mike, this is the game for you!
What the Dub?! drops on April 8th for Xbox One/Xbox Series X, PlayStation 4/5, Nintendo Switch and Steam/PC.