What is PAX Online?

PAX started from humble beginnings and grew into the powerhouse that it is known for today through dedication and teamwork. PAX has stood the test of time to become one of the largest gaming conventions in the US and Australia. Every year they bring the news, community, and fun to a convention center near you with the ability to demo games, enter tournaments, hear panels from developers, and more. This year PAX East is doing it again but bringing it to your homes from July 15th – 18th.
There are many ways to interact with PAX Online! From the Exhibitors Hall and the Streams to the Discord and Merch Shop. It’s the PAX you know and love from the comfort of your gaming chair. Tune in to the streams for PAX Online through their Twitch Channels. Multiple channels were set up for ease of use and to make it clear where to go for the panel you are looking for. Just like the regular convention but less getting lost in the halls looking for a specific room. There is even a separate channel for PAX Arena where you can check out all esports content.
The Expo Hall will be where you can find information about the different Exhibitors for this year. Developers and developers for games being displayed at PAX have their time to shine here and get in front of you the gamer so you can really see the games and maybe even some gameplay. They will discuss the game and features as well as some history and maybe a few behind-the-scenes snapshots.
OMEGATHON will look a little different this year. With PAX being online registration is free for everyone but if you want to enter the OMEGATHON MegaTournament you need to purchase the $15 PAX Online Badge. Members for the tournament will be chosen from among these Badge holders. Along with other perks given to badge holders including a swag bag!
PAX online is also partnered with Child’s Play. Child’s Play is an organization supporting Children’s Hospitals, Clinics, and domestic violence shelters with the power of gamers. Donations given to the organization will help to enhance the lives of these children and bring them some much-needed items. You can find more information for donations and their wishlist on the PAX online Child’s Play Charity Page.
PAX as always has so much to offer so don’t forget to check in and see all the things they have going on. Stay tuned to the articles coming out from Devious Gaming this week about events happening in PAX!